The Real Price of a Discounted Service

Not every case handled by Discounted Service ends in pitfalls—some transactions might be straightforward.

Most people will only sell their house once or twice in their lifetime, so it’s crucial to get it right. By working with an experienced agent, they can maximize the sale price, avoid pitfalls, and ensure a smooth process. It’s worth investing in expertise for something as significant as selling a home.

Pitfalls in real estate transactions can lead to delays, financial losses, or even legal complications. Missing key details, undervaluing the property, or mishandling negotiations can have long-term consequences. Engage a professional, clients can avoid these issues and make sure their sale goes as smoothly as possible. It’s about safeguarding one of the biggest financial decisions of your lives.

Source: my team mate Emmeline

Did you know financial calculations for selling your property is not that straight forward if CPF usage is involved? It is not as easy like “Selling Price – Outstanding Loan”, if CPF were used you need to include “CPF usage + CPF accrued interest” that would give you your Sales Proceeds. Do not let these real case be your nightmare. .

Source: my team mate Michael

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